Live Free 3-Day Challenge

The 3 Secrets to Your Healthiest Self When All Other Diets Have Failed

3 Days to a Healthier You for

35+ Women


The challenge is now over! Enter your details below to join the waitlist.

Join the waitlist for Fall 2024.

Before you set another healthy weight loss goal for 2024, read this!👇

We've all done a hundred different diets in our lifetime… and they all end the same. 

The initial success eventually turns into lack of motivation- which makes you fall "off the wagon" and back into old habits. 

If you're ready to break the vicious cycle and want to create a healthier lifestyle for yourself that will actually stick, this three-day challenge is for you. 

In this three-day challenge, you will unveil the deception of traditional diets, empower change for weight loss, and learn how to embrace your new lifestyle for optimal health (not just a number on the scale). 

Day 1: Unmasking the Weight Loss Deception

Break Free From Your Traditional Diet Mentality FOR GOOD

Uncover the failed promises of traditional diets and the vicious cycle they create causing you to gain weight over time.

Explore how misinformation affects mid-life women's hormones, and practical tips to make sure the food you're consuming is actually aligned with your health goals.

Day 2: Igniting Your Weight Loss Journey

Build Support Systems for Success and Break the Cycle

Getting your mindset right is what will ensure that your lifestyle will keep you moving toward your health goals.

Transform the beliefs that don't serve you, identify what has been holding you back, and learn practical insights on fitting more movement into your day and how to fuel up your body as a mid-life woman.

Day 3: Embracing the Keto Shift for Optimal Health

Set Yourself Up for Success

Discover the science behind ketosis, and how it differs from traditional dieting approaches. Together we'll bust through the myths surrounding the keto lifestyle, and highlight the long term health benefits BEYOND weight loss, especially for mid-life women.

Get practical implementation tips for getting started, staying on track, and keeping this lifestyle sustainable and enjoyable for your longterm health.

Join the Waitlist for Fall 2024

The 3 Secrets to Mid-Life Health,

When All Other Diets Have Failed


50% Complete

Two Step

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