The course materials specifically cover how to cook for not only yourself but also to make it work for your family to save time. You will learn how to add certain foods that your family is accustomed to eating to what you already made, but at the same time, they may become healthier as they see you model good food choices and see how great you look and feel after losing so much weight in just 8 weeks!
Of course, you will! The Holistic Shift materials include specific tips and tricks that teach you how to order at a restaurant and order delicious, whole, organic, unprocessed meals prepared for you that are delivered to your door for the same price as going out to Chick-fil-A to save you time!
Have no fear! The Holistic Shift is designed to exclude most foods that people are known to be sensitive to or allergic to. If you are unable to eat nuts, seeds, or dairy, there are substitutions included in the course materials. The Holistic Shift Meal plan is free of casein, all grains (including gluten), legumes (beans including soy), nightshades, fruit, and seafood. The course covers the difference between food sensitivities and allergies and how to discover them if you don’t already know you have any. The Holistic Shift can be adapted to substitute foods that you are known to be sensitive to or allergic to. Just let us know your needs in the question form, at the Launch Party, or on any of the Live Coaching calls and we will take care of you.
You can substitute chicken and turkey for beef and other fibrous vegetables like spaghetti squash, spinach, asparagus, zucchini, and butternut squash for broccoli.
If you are vegan and unable to eat ANY of the following proteins: eggs, beef, chicken, or turkey, this is not the plan for you. You can substitute proteins with other animal proteins, but plant-based proteins like beans and grains have too many carbohydrates in them and you will not be able to achieve Ketosis while eating them.
Yes, Once you become a member of the Private Online Whole-y Healed Community, you are encouraged to find your accountability partner inside the group. You can post, ask questions, and encourage others on the journey inside the community. There will be other wonderful women who are in their Holistic Shift and who have completed their Shift to interact with during each step of your journey.
If you have purchased the one-year access, even after the 8-week course is over, you will be able to ask other members questions, learn from their experiences, and be encouraged by their successes as well.
Not at all. The Holistic Shift is designed as a way to change the way you think about food but it does not limit you to the foods you will eat or the portions you will eat after the Shift is over. In fact, the course gives you plenty of variety of new foods to try as soon as the shift is over that you can start adding into your diet but still remain in Ketosis and lose weight!
The course material also covers other specific diet plans that you may want to try after the Shift is complete, such as Paleo and Auto-immune Protocol. You will find there is so much variety in what you can eat after the Shift and even have large portions that you are always satisfied with, but you will still continue to lose weight! Of course, you always will have the option to do another 8-week Shift in the future if you ever need a reset, as you will have mastered the skills and can keep all the materials you downloaded during your membership.
Yes, all refund requests are reviewed on a case-by-case basis. If you have implemented the first 4 weeks of meal plans for Phase 1 and 2 of the Holistic Shift, but it is still not working for you, please contact admin@wholeyhealedcommunity.com.